शंकराचार्य और वल्लभाचार्य के बीच एक दार्शनिक चर्चा

Namaste Shiksharthis!

Our mind, no matter how vast, strives to understand it all. It’s been humanity’s quest to find that one answer, that singular explanation that would bring clarity to everything. Indian philosophy is rich with such inquiries, and the search for this one fundamental reality has shaped several philosophical schools. Among these, Advaita by Shankaracharya and Shuddhadvaita by Vallabhacharya stand out, offering unique perspectives on this age-old question: Is there just one reality, or are there many?

Join us on this journey through these fascinating philosophies, where we explore the insights of these great thinkers and their approach to understanding the universe.

शंकराचार्य और वल्लभाचार्य के बीच एक दार्शनिक चर्चा Read More »

क्या है स्वामी विवेकानन्द का नव-वेदांत?

नमस्ते शिक्षार्थियों!
यह कल्पना करें कि कोई आपको बताए कि भारत के दो सबसे महान विचारक, स्वामी विवेकानंद और आदि शंकराचार्य, एक दूसरे से असहमत थे! कुछ लोगों को लगता था कि स्वामी विवेकानंद शंकराचार्य की शिक्षाओं के खिलाफ थे, लेकिन क्या वास्तव में ऐसा था? इस कहानी में, हम देखेंगे कि कैसे इन दोनों महान पुरुषों ने वेदांत में विश्वास किया, लेकिन थोड़े अलग तरीके से। आइए समझते हैं कि ऐसा क्यों और कैसे हुआ!

क्या है स्वामी विवेकानन्द का नव-वेदांत? Read More »

A philosophical debate between Shankaracharya and Vallabhacharya

Namaste Shiksharthis!

Our mind, no matter how vast, strives to understand it all. It’s been humanity’s quest to find that one answer, that singular explanation that would bring clarity to everything. Indian philosophy is rich with such inquiries, and the search for this one fundamental reality has shaped several philosophical schools. Among these, Advaita by Shankaracharya and Shuddhadvaita by Vallabhacharya stand out, offering unique perspectives on this age-old question: Is there just one reality, or are there many?

Join us on this journey through these fascinating philosophies, where we explore the insights of these great thinkers and their approach to understanding the universe.

A philosophical debate between Shankaracharya and Vallabhacharya Read More »

Understanding Swami Vivekananda’s Neo-Vedanta

Namaste Shiksharthis! In 1893, Swami Vivekananda’s historic speech at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago placed India’s spiritual heritage in the global spotlight. But alongside this recognition, some accused him of rejecting the teachings of Adi Shankaracharya, one of India’s greatest philosophers. Vivekananda’s Neo-Vedanta seemed to challenge traditional Advaita Vedanta, leading to debates about whether he was an opponent of Shankaracharya. Was this truly the case? Let’s explore the distinctions between their philosophies and the reasons behind the development of Neo-Vedanta.

Understanding Swami Vivekananda’s Neo-Vedanta Read More »